On 2013-08-02, Schneider <j...@globe.de> wrote:

> I have to write a small SMTP-Relay script (+ some statistic infos)
> and I'm wondering, if this can be done in python (in terms of
> performance, of course not in terms of possibility ;) ).
> It has to handle around 2000 mails per hour for at least 8hours a day
> (which does not mean, that it is allowed not to respond the rest of
> the day.
> Can this be done?

That's only a little over 2 per second, so I doubt Python is going to
be the bottleneck.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I can't decide which
                                  at               WRONG TURN to make first!!
                              gmail.com            I wonder if BOB GUCCIONE
                                                   has these problems!

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