Hello, I am currently studying how to embedd python. I am developing a graphical C++ application. My goal is to embedd python script that will control some kind of animation. I have some questions about python embedding:
1) Is there a good text book or other resource on embedding/extending? (I find it hard to learn only by the tutorial and C/Python API from the python.org site) 2) I have found that there are many ways to embedd a script: PyEvel_EvalCode() PyRun_SimpleFile() PyObject_CallObject() What are the cons and pros of using each of them? 3) Is there a problem with the PyRun_SimpleFile(). I am trying to run the following code: const char *SCRIPT_NAME = "C:\\test_script.py"; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Py_Initialize(); FILE *script_file; script_file = fopen(SCRIPT_NAME, "r"); if (script_file != NULL) PyRun_SimpleFile(script_file, SCRIPT_NAME); Py_Finalize(); return 0; } The python script has only one line: 'print "hello"' I build it with Python2.3 libraries. When I try to run the code I get access violation. 4) What is the correct way to handle/catch python exceptions in the embedding Python code? Forgive me if I have asked too many questions in one eMail, it is becuase I don't really know where to start learning this subject from. Thanks Amit -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list