Could you help me install PyQt5 properly in my Virtualenv folder and not only globally?
I tried installing PyQt5 and sip with the use of pip but i was getting errors all the time (Why is that? Are there any known pip issues along with PyQt5 and sip?), so in the end i had to install it with the installer provided from the official riverbank website. However now, everytime i create a virtual enviroment, PyQT5 or sip package is not included there and i dont know how to solve this problem either. I tried applying this fix: , but i do not know if i have done things right. I can import PyQt5 and pip packages from within python console without any errors being showed (both globaly and inside my virtuall enviroment), so i could assume i did all ok. But should this confirmation be enough for me or is there any other way i could confirm that everything is indeed properly installed? I noticed that in start menu - programs, a new folder named "PyQt GPL v5.0 for Python v3.3 (x64)" had been created after the installation, where someone can find view PyQt examples and a PyQT Examples module which starts an application. Big question now.. Everytime i run PyQt Examples module from within global IDLE, everything works ok and then again when i close the application, this appears: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python33\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5\examples\qtdemo\qtdemo.pyw", line 91, in <module> sys.exit(app.exec_()) SystemExit: 0 However, everytime i run PyQt Examples module from within virtual env IDLE, nothing happends. So as you can undertand, this is why i believe i have not installed properly PyQt5 or sip **(I start virtual env IDLE using this shortcut ""..path..\Python\Python Projects\PriceTAG Grabber\env\Scripts\pythonw.exe" C:\Python33\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw") I know i may have asked too many questions in just a single topic, but all im trying to achieve here is to be sure that PyQt5 and virtual env are working fine. Thx for your time in advance --