On 07/27/2013 12:32 PM, Alister wrote:
On Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:56:10 -0400, Devyn Collier Johnson wrote:

Good point about the Made by/Copyright suggestion. Although, I have not
copyrighted the file, can I still say "Copyrighted by ...".--

There is no special process to Copyright anything.
the simple act of writing it automatically gives you the copyright on
your own work.

Proving that it was you that created the work & when may be a little
trickier if you do not find a reliable means of recording the event
(posting to this news group actually gives a reasonable time stamp
provided the article has not expired by the time it is needed)

The copyright law varies by country, and it's wise to look up your own country's rules, as well as investigate international law. The following is based only on my limited recollection of US law. I include references below, but have not re-studied them. Nor am I a lawyer.

Generally, a copyright does belong to the author, as soon as he provably commits the text to medium. However, if you ever expect to defend a copyright, it can be useful to register it. Registration is limited by law to certain time limits. I don't recall exactly, but I believe that once something is published, it has to be registered within 3 months or so.

Registration is easy, but not free. You can copyright a number of works simultaneously, but I think they have to be of the same type. And if it is registered, you can sue for larger amounts, and you'll have a much easier time getting a lawyer to take the case for you.

See:  http://www.copyright.gov/

and especially:



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