@vikash agrawal

About GUI I discussed it at 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!starred/comp.lang.python/M-Dy2pyWRfM and I am 
thinking about using PySide 1.2 for clients of chat system. I think I'll need 
downloadable clients if I want to make something like google talk. Then I'll 
need to implement server side programming also. I think google app engine would 
be suitable for this as it is going to be always online.

In the above scenario I wanted to know whether the database can be stored on 
google app engine itself? Is it possible? Having a chat system with server 
online and DB offline isn't going to be good. Should I consider heroku for this 
or can it be done using google app engine? Is it viable to have the DB on 
google appengine itself?

About using web frameworks, in the above scenario when there isn't an online 
website for chat would I need web frameworks? I am confused about this. Can 
server side programming be done in Python or by using a web framework only?

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