On Sat, 13 Jul 2013, fronag...@gmail.com wrote:
Well, I'm a newcome to Python, but I'm developing a program with a GUI in
tkinter, and I'm wondering what is the best, 'most pythonic' way of doing this?
I could, obviously, write a monolithic block of code.
True, you could, but don't do that.
You should investigate strategies like model view presenter, and test or
behavior driven development.
My recommendation echos the other advice you've been given. Basically you
think of your application in terms of two problems or domains. One is the what
that you want no do. What information do you need?
The other problem is how do you get that information from the user and retun
to them information than they need?
Regardless of which side you have driving, UI or Presenter, having a design
such as this allows for much cleaner code.