On Wednesday, July 10, 2013 4:00:59 PM UTC+2, Chris Angelico wrote:
> So, a few questions. Firstly, is there a stdlib way to find the key
> with the lowest corresponding value? In the above map, it would return
> 3, because 18 is the lowest value in the list. I want to do this with
> a single pass over the dictionary. 

In [1]: prime = {2: 20, 3: 18, 5: 20, 7: 21, 11: 22, 13: 26}

In [2]: smallest_key = min(prime.iteritems(), key=lambda k_v: k_v[1])[0]

In [3]: smallest_key
Out[3]: 3

Still trying to figure out your algorithm ...

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