On 2013-07-09, Skip Montanaro <s...@pobox.com> wrote:
> As long as we are wandering off-topic.  (What defines "on-topic" for spam?)
>> I just got a Bosch combo model (both plunge and fixed base), and I'm
>> very happy with it:
>> http://www.boschtools.com/Products/Tools/Pages/BoschProductDetail.aspx?pid=1617EVSPK
> I have a 1604.  Any idea if the plunge base is available separately
> and will fit my motor?

I don't think so.  Google gives me the impression that Bosch didn't
make a plunge base for the 1604.

These threads says a Porter-Cable 693 plunge base will work:


Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Where's the Coke
                                  at               machine?  Tell me a joke!!

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