On 5 July 2013 02:24, Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> wrote:
> On 04Jul2013 16:03, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> |
> | Is there some reason you're responding to a post from 5 years ago?
> Is there some reason not to, if no newer solutions are available?
No, I was genuinely curious. My way of accessing this
forum/newsgroup/mailing list doesn't give me a way to respond to very
old posts but others seem to do it every now and again. I see now that
if you're looking at an old thread in Google Groups (rather than e.g.
the python.org archives) it makes the thread seem more like a forum
than a newsgroup or a mailing list so that it's easy and seems more
natural to respond to old posts.


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