Στις 5/7/2013 3:06 πμ, ο/η Nobody έγραψε:
On Thu, 04 Jul 2013 13:38:09 +0300, Νίκος wrote:

So you are also suggesting that what gesthostbyaddr() returns is not
utf-8 encoded too?

The gethostbyaddr() OS function returns a byte string with no specified
encoding. Python 3 will doubtless try to decode that to a character string
using some (probably unspecified) encoding.

I see, but if the function returns a byte string not inutf-8 format then how my script is uspposes to decode this byte string?

And why only this error happens when i cloudflare my domain, while when i un-cloudflare it are reverse DNS are being resolves without problem.
So the queston is: How come it only fails when i cloidflare the domain?

Also please comment on that:

host =  gethostbyaddr(....) or "UnResolved"

This will return the first argument that define the evaluation as being true or untrue.

if function returns false the the 2nd argument.
Nut if the function gives an exception will the condition return the 2nd argument or will the program fail?

I was udner the impression that i could avoid error handling inside try/excepts by utilizing "or".
What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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