"Νίκος" <ni...@superhost.gr> wrote:

>Στις 4/7/2013 11:34 πμ, ο/η Dave Angel έγραψε:
>> On 07/04/2013 03:59 AM, Νίκος wrote:
>>> Στις 4/7/2013 10:32 πμ, ο/η cutems93 έγραψε:
>>>> I am researching on editors for my own reference. I found that each
>>>> them has some features that other don't, but I am not sure which
>>>> features are significant/necessary for a GOOD editor. What features
>>>> you a good editor should have? Keyboard shortcuts? Extensions?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Min
>>> Download Sublime Text v3
>>> Is a great editor
>> When possible, it's polite to supply a link to the page where it's
>> described or can be downloaded.  In this case,
>> http://www.sublimetext.com/
>> It looks pretty good on the web page.  The main negatives I can see
>>      It costs $70 per user
>>      It can only be purchased with Paypal, which I won't use.
>>      It's available for OS/X, Linux and Windows, with a single
>>      The eval/demo is not time-limited (currently)
>> The positives
>>      It can be customized, apparently in Python
>>      The simple customizations are specified by JSON files
>>      Current download is version 2, but there's a version 3 beta, and
>> you buy now, you won't have an upgrade fee.
>> ......
>> Note that the OP didn't ask which is a good editor, but which
>> make a good editor.  I'll post a response to that in a little while.
>If you guys want to use it i can send you a patch for it.
>I know its illegal thing to say but it will help you use it without 
>buying it.
>What is now proved was at first only imagined!

Boy oh boy! You really are a slow learner Nicos. You have just offered to 
commit a crime and to include dozens of others in that crime ON A PUBLIC FORUM. 
Please think before you post. 

Sent from a Galaxy far far away

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