On Mon, 01 Jul 2013 16:28:52 +0300, Νίκος wrote:

> Στις 1/7/2013 3:43 μμ, ο/η Steven D'Aprano έγραψε:
>> The above of course assumes that I have not kill-filed you for
>> continuing to be abusive on-list.
> So, Steven you want me to sit tight and read all the insults coming from
> this guy?
> If that happened to you, wouldn't you feel the need and urge to reply
> back and stand for yourself?

"Stand up for yourself" and "be abusive" are two different things. I told 
you, I don't care what you do off-list, but if you continue flaming on-
list, I will kill-file you.

> And no, i do not want to piss off people like you, who have spend time
> helping me.

Too late. I asked you to stop flaming on-list, and you didn't. I am now 
kill-filing you for a month. Feel grateful that it is not permanent, and 
take this time to reflect that you are running out of people willing to 
help you.


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