Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

>     class grouping:
>         def __init__(self, .x, .y, .z):
>             # real code right here

The way this would work seems a bit inconsistent to me.  Args normally 
create local variables that receive references to the objects passed to 

In this case, a function/method is *creating* non local names in a scope 
outside it's own name space to receive it's arguments.  I don't think 
that's a good idea.

A better approach is to have a copy_var_to(dest, *var_list) function 
that can do it.  You should be able to copy only selected arguments, and 
not all of them.


Not exactly straight forward to do as it runs into the getting an 
objects name problem.

> Emulation using existing syntax::
>         def __init__(self, x, y, z):
>             self.x = x
>             del x
>             self.y = y
>             del y
>             self.z = z
>             del z

The 'del's aren't needed as the references will be unbound as soon as 
__init__ is finished.  That's one of the reasons you need to do self.x=x 
, the other is to share the objects with other methods.

> Is there a way out with Python as-is?
> -------------------------------------

With argument lists that long it might be better to use a single 
dictionary to keep them in.

      class manager:
          def __init__(self, **args):
              defaults = {
                'plain_pairs_radius':None }
              self.data = defaults
              # real code


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