Steven Bethard wrote:
> Fredrik Johansson wrote:
>> On 6/27/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld 
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Do you have any other good and valued Python modules that you would 
>>> think are
>>> bug-free, mature (that includes a long release distance) and useful 
>>> enough to
>>> be granted a place in the stdlib?
>> First of all, numeric/numarray, obviously!
> There has been recent discussion about this.  Check the python-dev list 
> archives I think.  It's unlikely that all of numeric/numarray could go 
> into the Python stdlib because there still is disagreement between the 
> two camps as to the module architecture.  However, there does seem to be 
> some agreement at the level of the basic array object, so it may be 
> possible that at least the array object itself might join the stdlib in 
> the not too distant future.  I suspect there's more detailed discussion 
> of this in the numeric/numarray lists.

There was a flurry of exchanges about three months ago but it soon died.

One thing which needs to be sorted out is the silent truncation of 
complex values:

Colin W.
> STeVe

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