On 06/25/2013 03:38 PM, Stig Sandbeck Mathisen wrote:
jonathan.slend...@gmail.com writes:
Any suggestions for a good name, for a framework that does automatic
server deployments?
Whatever you choose, make sure it is easily searchable. Googling for
"puppet" and "chef" only recently gave relevant results for something
not, er, doll or food related. It is not helpful that one of chef's
tools is called "knife".
Puns may be fun, (ok, puns _are_ fun, but don't ask my wife about that)
but it'll be a pain to find information about the software. This _may_
hinder adoption, as helpful search results may be hard to find.
Find something prononouncable, check it for "does not mean anything
insulting to anyone's mother's genetics in whatever language", and do a
quick search for it. The less results you get, the easier information
about your software will be to find later.
OHHH, we've got another google-groups sucker. Please switch to
something that works, that doesn't double-post (like your current
message), and that doesn't double-space any quoting of previous messages.
Google groups has been broken for a long time, though the details change
from version to version. Learning to use it right is harder than
switching to a simple mail client like Thunderbird.