Στις 24/6/2013 7:37 πμ, ο/η Michael Torrie έγραψε:
Why use mako's approach which requires 2 files(an html template and the
actual python script rendering the data) when i can have simple print
statements inside 1 files(my files.py script) ?
After all its only one html table i wish to display.
Sooner or later your needs grow to the point where your single python
CGI file is mixing so much html and python code that it becomes unwieldy.
Yes Michale indeed, my pelatologio.py is filled with print html statemnt
and actual python code. it lloks like this:
#print all client profiles
<body background="/data/images/bluetiles.jpg">
<center><h3><font color=yellow size=5>~ Πελατολόγιο ~<br>
<font color=white size=5>
Πελάτες: <font color=red> %s </font>
Επισκευές: <font color=silver> %s </font>
Χρήματα: <font color=violet> %s € </font><br><br>
<table border=5 cellpadding=5 bgcolor=black>
<th><font color=lime size=5> Πελάτης </th><th><font color=orange
size=5> Τηλέφωνο </th>
<th><font color=tomato size=5> Επισκευές </th><th><font color=cyan
size=5> Σύνολο </th>
''' % (clients, hits, money) )
for row in data:
(name, phone, hits, money) = row
href="http://superhost.gr/cgi-bin/pelatologio.py/?log=%s"> <font
color=lime size=4> %s </a></td>
<td><center><font color=orange size=4> %s </td>
<td><center><font color=tomato size=4> %s </td>
<td><center><font color=cyan size=4> %s </td>
''' % (name, name, phone, hits, money) )
Apart form the fact that i will need to separate the design form the
code, if i didn't is there an easiest way to print tables and forms by
using python's html generation functions and not plain print statements
that will make the code more clear?
And also in my pelatologio.py and other script i use if statements to
check if user submitted data or not so to print them on screen and then
exit, like modularization.
foe example:
if( log ):
name = log
print this and this
if( seek ):
other statements
print this and this
How will i be able to do this if i use an html template
every time an if() runs all the html will run and not a part of it.
What is now proved was at first only imagined!