On Tue, 28 Jun 2005 14:44:21 +0100, Richie Hindle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[Christos, on widening the Windows Command Prompt]
>> Hm... right-click the cmd.exe window's title bar (or click on the
>> top-left icon, or press Alt-Space), go to Properties, Layout tab, Window
>> Size, Width.
>Just to take this thread *completely* off-topic: does anyone know of a way
>to scroll a Command Prompt window using the keyboard?
Alt-spacebar, e, l, (uparrow/downarrow)*, Esc
 (lower case L)--^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--does the scrolling. Esc ends the 
scrolling mode.

Seems to work for cmd.exe on NT4

Bengt Richter

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