On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Antoon Pardon <antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be
> wrote:

> Op 15-06-13 21:54, ru...@yahoo.com schreef:
>  On 06/15/2013 12:18 PM, rusi wrote:
>>> On Jun 15, 10:52 pm, Steven D'Aprano<steve
>>> +comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.**info <comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info>>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 15 Jun 2013 10:36:00 -0700, rusi wrote:
>>>>> With you as our spamming-guru, Onward! Sky is the limit!
>>>> If you're going to continue making unproductive, off-topic, inflammatory
>>>> posts that prolong these already excessively large threads, Nikos won't
>>>> be the only one kill-filed.
>>> At least two people -- Alex and Antoon -- have told you that by
>>> supporting Nikos, when everyone else wants him off list, you are part
>>> of the problem.
>> Nikos is only secondarily the problem, Steven not at all.
>> The primary problem is a (relatively small) number of people
>> who respond to every post by Nikos with a barrage of insults,
>> demands, (what they think are) witty repartee, hints intended
>> to "make" Nikos learn something, useless (to Nikos) links,
>> new threads to discuss the "Nikos problem", and other trash
>> that is far more obnoxious that anything Nikos posts and just
>> serves to egg him on.
> Sorry but this is IMO a false equivallence. It ignores the
> important distinction between action and reaction. Does
> this number of people post a barrage of insult to no matter
> who? And you may find those responses more obnoxious they
> propbably are the reactions of people who are utterly fed
> up and think that if nobody is concerned about their annoyance
> they don't have to b econcerned about the annoyance of others
> either.
>  Steven's advice on how to deal with Nikos was probably the
>> most sensible thing I've seen posted here on the subject.
> Most sensible for what purpose? As far as I can see Steven's
> advice will just prolong the cycle of Nikos continuing to ask
> for spoonfeeding, showing very litle signs of understanding
> and keeping to hop from one problem/bug to the next until
> the mailing list has finished his project at which point
> he will probably start something new.
> If nikos's project was a college project we would have told
> him he has to make his homework himself. But now he is earning
> money with it, you seem to find it acceptable his job is done
> for him.
>  I suggest that if you can and want to answer Nikos' question,
>> do so directly and with a serious attempt address what it is
>> he seems not to get,
>>   or
>> killfile him and shut the fuck up.
> I suggest that if you want this to continue being a hospitable
> place, you don't encourage asocial behaviour. His behaviour
> may not bother you so much, but that shouldn't be the norm
> because others are less bothered with the barrage of insults
> Nikos is now receiving than with Nikos vampirizing this list,
> because they consider those insults deserved.
> --
> Antoon Pardon
> --
> http://mail.python.org/**mailman/listinfo/python-list<http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list>

I'm with Antoon on this.  If you look at this group, it almost completely
revolves around the guy from Greece with 3 or 4 or 5 different email
addresses.  His area of interest is repetitive:

1. Get me out of the Unicode hell that is my own making
2. Do my linux sys admin for me
3. I can't be bothered with understanding what more there is to making
software other than cutting and pasting code that other people are willing
to write for me
4. Go back to [1] and start again.

If you need to understand unicode and or hex notation, or binary notation
(and most likely you will if you write code for a living), then go learn
about those things.  If you are unwilling to do that, then go away.

If you think its best to help this person, and be kind to him, and
encourage him to become a better citizen, please remember that being
inviting to a person who ruins the party for everyone is not being
respectful of everyone else.

All the while monopolizing many threads

>From my perspective there seems to be some interesting people here with a
wide array of experience and knowledge, whose understand and opinions I
find fun and useful to read.   All of that is drowned out by the freight
train from superhost.gr

Joel Goldstick

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