On 17Jun2013 08:49, Antoon Pardon <antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be> wrote:
| Op 15-06-13 02:28, Cameron Simpson schreef:
| > On 14Jun2013 15:59, Nikos as SuperHost Support <supp...@superhost.gr> wrote:
| > | So, a numeral = a string representation of a number. Is this correct?
| >
| > No, a numeral is an individual digit from the string representation of a 
| > So: 65 requires two numerals: '6' and '5'.
| Wrong context. A numeral as an individual digit is when you are talking about
| individual characters in a font. In such a context the set of glyphs that
| represent a digit are the numerals.
| However in a context of programming, numerals in general refer to the set of
| strings that represent a number.

No, those are just "numbers" or "numeric strings" (if you're being
overt about them being strings at all). They're "numeric strings"
because they're composed of "numerals". If you think otherwise your
vocabulary needs adjusting. A numeral is a single digit.
Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

English is a living language, but simple illiteracy is no basis for
linguistic evolution.   - Dwight MacDonald

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