>>>>> "Rex Eastbourne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (RE) wrote:

>RE> I went to My Computer | Properties | Advanced | Environment Variables
>RE> and added c:\program files\python24 to both the PYTHONPATH and Path
>RE> variables. Still no luck. I don't know whether the path I'm talking
>RE> about is the same as the $PATH you referred to, or whether I'm supposed
>RE> to put python.exe explicitly somewhere; could someone refer me to a
>RE> place where I can read about these things?

Is c:\program files\python24 the directory where python.exe is?
You can try two things:
1. Use "c:\program files\python24" in the PATH environment variable, i.e.
   with the quotes.
2. Set emacs' variable py-python-command to the location of the python
   executable, e.g.
   (setq py-python-command "c:\\program files\\python24\\python.exe")
   or use customize to set that variable.
Piet van Oostrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL: http://www.cs.uu.nl/~piet [PGP E17999C4]
Private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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