On 2013-06-13, Nick Cash <nick.c...@npcinternational.com> wrote:
>>> there is a python module that reads and writes to excel files.  look 
>>> for that
>>More than one, actually, and which to use depends on whether
>>"Excel files" means the .xls or .xlsx format.  On Windows, the
>>most flexible solution is going to be to just use COM to
>>control the Excel >application in reading and writing the
>>files.  Outside of Windows, the best bet is usually to work
>>>with csv files instead, as Dave suggested.
> I've had success with the xlrd and xlwt suite of modules
> (http://www.python-excel.org/), using both .xls and .xlsx, on
> Linux. 

I use xlrd for .xlsx on Windows with Office 2007, no problems.

I wouldn't call it convenient, though. It saves a coworker from
doing an export which seems worth it, but using csv.DictReader
is, much, much simpler. Unless there's some non-trivial need to
use Excel directly I strongly recommend exporting as csv and
using the csv module.

Neil Cerutti

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