On 14/6/2013 1:20 μμ, Fábio Santos wrote:

On 14 Jun 2013 10:20, "Heiko Wundram" <modeln...@modelnine.org
<mailto:modeln...@modelnine.org>> wrote:
 > Am 14.06.2013 10:37, schrieb Nick the Gr33k:
 >> So everything we see like:
 >> 16474
 >> nikos
 >> abc123
 >> everything is a string and nothing is a number? not even number 1?
 > Come on now, this is _so_ obviously trolling, it's not even remotely
funny anymore. Why doesn't killfiling work with the mailing list version
of the python list? :-(

I have skimmed the archives for this month, and I estimate that a third
of this month's activity on this list was helping this person. About 80%
of that is wasted in explaining basic concepts he refuses to read in
links given to him. A depressingly large number of replies to his posts
are seemingly ignored.

Since this is a lot of spam, I feel like leaving the list, but I also
honestly want to help people use python and the replies to questions of
others often give me much insight on several matters.

I'am not spamming and as you say i dare to ask what other don't if they don't understand something. I'am not trolling and actually help people with my questions(as you admitted yourself) and you are helping with your replies.

we are all benefit out of this.

What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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