Op 14-06-13 09:49, Nick the Gr33k schreef:
> On 14/6/2013 10:36 πμ, Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> Op 13-06-13 10:08, Νικόλαος Κούρας schreef:
>>> Indeed python embraced it in single quoting '0b100000001011010' and
>>> not as 0b100000001011010 which in fact makes it a string.
>>> But since bin(16474) seems to create a string rather than an expected
>>> number(at leat into my mind) then how do we get the binary
>>> representation of the number 16474 as a number?
>> You don't. You should remember that python (or any programming language)
>> doesn't print numbers. It always prints string representations of
>> numbers. It is just so that we are so used to the decimal representation
>> that we think of that representation as being the number.
>> Normally that is not a problem but it can cause confusion when you are
>> working with mulitple representations.
> Hold on!
> Youa re basically saying here that:
> >>> 16474
> 16474
> is nto a number as we think but instead is string representation of a
> number?
Yes, or if you prefer what python prints is the decimal notation of the number. 

> I dont think so, if it were a string representation of a number that
> would print the following:
> >>> 16474
> '16474'

No it wouldn't, You are confusing representation in the everyday meaning
with representation as python jargon.

> Python prints numbers:
No it doesn't, numbers are abstract concepts that can be represented in
various notations, these notations are strings. Those notaional strings
end up being printed. As I said before we are so used in using the
decimal notation that we often use the notation and the number interchangebly
without a problem. But when we are working with multiple notations that
can become confusing and we should be careful to seperate numbers from their

> but when we need a decimal integer

There are no decimal integers. There is only a decimal notation of the number.
Decimal, octal etc are not characteristics of the numbers themselves.


Antoon Pardon


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