On Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:26:18 +0300, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:

> i just want 4 cases to examine so correct execute to be run:
> i'm reading and reading and reading this all over:
> if '-' not in ( name and month and year ):
> and i cant comprehend it.

Don't just read it. Open the interactive interpreter and test it.

name = "abcd"
month = "efgh"
year = "ijkl"

print(name and month and year)

If you run that, you will see what the result of 
(name and month and year) is. Now, ask yourself:

"k" in (name and month and year)

True or false? Check your answer:

print("k" in (name and month and year))

> While it seems so beautiful saying:
> if character '-' ain't contained in string name , neither in string
> month neither in string year.
> But it just doesn't work like this.

Correct. It doesn't work that way.

> Since  ( name and month and year ) are all truthy values, what is
> returned by this expression to be checked if it cotnains '=' within it?

Stop asking these questions. Try it for yourself and learn for yourself. 
You have a Python interactive interpreter. Try things, and see what they 
do. Read the documentation. THEN, and ONLY after you have done these 
things, should you ask for help.


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