I am parsing the output of an open-iscsi command that contains several blocks of data for each data set. Each block has the format:
Target: iqn.1992-04.com.emc:vplex-000000008460319f-0000000000000007 Current Portal:,7 Persistent Portal:,7 ********** Interface: ********** Iface Name: default Iface Transport: tcp Iface Initiatorname: iqn.1996-04.de.suse:01:7c9741b545b5 Iface IPaddress: Iface HWaddress: <empty> Iface Netdev: <empty> SID: 154 iSCSI Connection State: LOGGED IN iSCSI Session State: LOGGED_IN Internal iscsid Session State: NO CHANGE I have worked out the regex to grab the values I am interested with the exception of the 'iSCSI Connection State' and 'iSCSI Session State'. My regex is regex = re.compile( r''' # Target name, iqn Target:\s+(?P<iqn>\S+)\s* # Target portal \s+Current\sPortal:\s* (?P<ipaddr>\w+\.\w+\.\w+\.\w+):(?P<port>\d+),(?P<tag>\d+) # skip lines... [\s\S]*? # Initiator name, iqn Iface\s+Initiatorname:\s+(?P<initiatorName>\S+)\s* # Initiator port, IP address Iface\s+IPaddress:\s+(?P<initiatorIP>\S+) # skip lines... [\s\S]*? # Session ID SID:\s+(?P<SID>\d+)\s* # Connection state iSCSI\ +Connection\ +State:\s+(?P<connState>\w+\s*\w*) [\s\S]*? <<<<<< without this the regex fails # Session state iSCSI\ +Session\ +State:\s+(?P<sessionState>\w+) ''', re.VERBOSE|re.MULTILINE) I tried using \s* to swallow the whitespace between the to iSCSI lines. No joy... However [\s\S]*? allows the regex to succeed. But that seems to me to be overkill (I am not trying to skip lines of text here.) Also note that I am using \ + to catch spaces between the words. On the two problem lines, using \s+ between the label words fails. The regex is compiled and fed to a finditer() call... With debug prints: for m in regex.finditer(inp): print 'SSSSSS %d' % len(m.groups()) for i in range(len(m.groups())): print ' SSS--> %s' % (m.group(i+1)) myDetails = [ m.groupdict() for m in regex.finditer(inp)] print 'ZZZZ myDetails %s' % myDetails Any help would be appreciated. Lastly, a version of this regex as a non-VERBOSE expression works as expected.. Something about re.VERBOSE... ???? Thanks. --Eric -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list