On 12/6/2013 10:48 μμ, Sibylle Koczian wrote:
if '=' not in ( name and month and year ):
i understand: if '=' not in name AND '=' not in month AND '=' not in year

Wrong. The "'=' not in (...)" first evaluates the expression in
parentheses, that's what parentheses are for. And then it looks for '='
in the result. And that result is just one of the three values, MRAB
told you which one.

okey first the expression eval:

( name and month and year ) = ( name=True and month=True and year=True )

then if '=' not in (name = True and month = True and year = True)

I still do not follow how this works. it just doesn't make any sense to me at all.

if '=' not in ( name and month and year ):
if '=' not in ( name or month or year ):

I try to read both of them them as an English sentence but i cannot.
how can you be able to understand this?


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