Hi all, for a realtime simulation of a video installation we want to use Quicktime to read video data from a file or stream and process the data in a realtime Gameblender model.
We are trying to simulate a large-scale, low resolution media facade using individuell video pixels to control lamps mounted into the facade. For a related, earlier project, please see http://www.bix.at/ where you can also find images of this project and a software simulator created using MAX/MSP and Jitter. Now we plan to create a new simulator using Quicktime and Gameblender. Alternativly we think of using Jitter for preprocessing and Blender for visualisation. What we need are hints and information how to connect Quicktime and Blender, or Jitter and Blender. If neccessary we could spend a (limited, this is an art project) amount of money for somebody programming a custom solution. Essentially what we need is a either a Quicktime->Python module or a Quicktime->Blender module, providing pixel level access to the video data. We need a solution for both Macintosh and Windows OS. Solution 1) A pure Quicktime + PYthon + Blender solution. I noticed there is a python module called Carbon.QT availlable for MacOS. -- Is this what we need for our purpose? -- I could not find a version of this module for windows. Is there any port? -- How difficult would it be to port the Mactintosh module to Quicktime/Windows? -- Is there somebody who could do a port for us? -- Are there any other Quicktime modules availlable (Macintosh/ Windows) ? Solution 2) A mixed solution using Quicktime on Mactinosh, and another module on Windows. I noticed there are two related modules called pyVideo and pyMedia. -- Is anybody using those modules and could give us any advice? Solution 3) A solution consisting of Jitter + Python + Blender. -- How could we transmit the video data from Jitter into either Gameblender or Python, e.g. streaming into an UDP port? Solution 4) A solution using vlc/ mplayer + Python + Blender. -- How could we stream the decoded, uncompressed video data from programs like vlc or mplayer in realtime into Blender or Python? Any hints or recommendations? Thanks in advance for all your help and advice + all the best, Stefan Tietke -- stefan tietke / [EMAIL PROTECTED] realities:united leipziger strasse 50 (ebbinghaus) d-10117 berlin tel +49. 30. 20 64 66 -30 fax +49. 30. 20 64 66 -39 _________________________________ http://www.realities-united.de -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list