???????? ?????? <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>               if not re.search( '=', name ) and not re.search( '=', month ) 
> and not re.search( '=', year ):
>                       cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE clientsID = 
> (SELECT id FROM clients WHERE name = %s) and MONTH(lastvisit) = %s and 
> YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', (name, month, year) )
>               elif not re.search( '=', month ) and not re.search( '=', year ):
>                       cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE 
> MONTH(lastvisit) = %s and YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', 
> (month, year) )
>               elif not re.search( '=', year ):
>                       cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE 
> YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', year )

There is so much you didn't tell us here, including which database you are

With most Python database adapters, the second parameter of the "execute"
method must be a tuple.  "year" is not a tuple.  My guess is that this will
work fine:
    "SELECT * FROM works WHERE YEAR(lastvisit)=%s ORDER BY lastvisit",
    (year,) )

It seems silly to fire up a regular expression compiler to look for a
single character.  
    if name.find('=') < 0 and month.find('=') < 0 and year.find('=') < 0:
Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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