Adriaan Renting wrote:
> I use the debugger that comes with Eric3, but it is only free for Linux/
> OS X, as it needs PyQt.
> asside from setting  (conditional) breakpoints, one of it's features is
> that it can show you a browsable tree of all your variables. something
> like this:
> class MyClass
> |
> L-- string 'username' - 'myuser'
> |
> L-- list
>        L-[0] - 1
>        L-[1] - 'some value'
> You should know by now that I like this IDE ;-)
PythonWin has a similar capability for Windows and Boa-constructor for 
Linux or Windows.

Colin W.
> Adriaan Renting        | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ASTRON                 | Phone: +31 521 595 217
> P.O. Box 2             | GSM:   +31 6 24 25 17 28
> NL-7990 AA Dwingeloo   | FAX:   +31 521 597 332
> The Netherlands        | Web:
>>>>"Robert Brewer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/28/05 11:02 PM >>>
> Rex Eastbourne wrote:
>>I'm a little confused about which debugging utilities do what, and
>>which I should use for my Python code. I'd like to be able to step
>>through my code, insert breakpoints, etc. I haven't been able to do
>>this yet (I'm using Emacs on Windows). I have seen references to GDB,
>>GUD, PDB, and others. Which ones do I need?
> 1. At the point you would like to start the debugger, insert the
> following 2 lines:
>     import pdb
>     pdb.set_trace()
> 2. Run your script from the command line.
> 3. When your script executes the above lines, the pdb debugger will
> start up, and give you a prompt. Type 'h' at the prompt (and hit
> 'enter'), and you'll be shown a list of pdb commands. 's' to step
> through your code, 'c' to continue processing (and stop the debugger,
> essentially). The prompt is interactive, so you can inspect program
> variables as you like.
> Start with that, and come back if you have any more questions. :)
> Robert Brewer
> System Architect
> Amor Ministries

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