
> Sorry for my quote,
> but do you have any suggestion?

>> After 30seconds (more or less) the program crashes: seems a buffer
>> problem, but i'm not really sure.
>> What's wrong?

I don't use qt or pyserial myself, but your problem description is too vague 
anyway. Some random remarks:

Does your script segfault or do you get a traceback? If the latter, post it.

As you are using two external libraries, can you limit the problem to a 
single one? For example: temporarily replace pyserial with a file. Do the 
problems persist?

What happens if you remove the bare

try: ...
except: pass

? It may hide useful information.

Finally, can you make a self-contained example that we can run? Make it as 
simple as possible. I'd start with something like

class CReader(QThread):
    def __init__(self, ser):
        self.ser = ser
    def run(self):
        while True:
            data =
            if data:
                n = self.ser.inWaiting()
                if n:
                    data +=
                text = data.decode('cp1252', 'ignore')
                # adding the following would be the next step
                #self.emit(SIGNAL("newData(QString)"), text)
and once you have something that does run you can gradually increase 
complexity until it breaks.


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