On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:46 AM, Serhiy Storchaka <storch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 05.06.13 11:09, Chris Angelico написав(ла):
>> Oh, and I changed the root password, since the current one was sent in
>> clear text across the internet. Nikos, the new password has been
>> stored in /home/nikos/new_password - you should be able to access that
>> using your non-root login. I recommend you change it immediately.
> What are permission modes of /home/nikos and /home/nikos/new_password?

I didn't actually fiddle with that, but you're right, I ought to have
ensured that the password file was mode 600. However, I don't think it
would have made a lot of difference; mainly I was wanting to guard
against randoms on the internet, not actual legit users of his system
(and even they may well not have shell access).


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