> Please give me an example of a "suitable transport layer for a RPC
> protocol".                                      

I won't give you an example, but just some very basic criteria:

- It must be very efficient for very small "datagrams"
- It must provide connections
- For asynchronous programming it must provide for callbacks

No RPC-over-HTTP protocol that I know of does this.

Besides, no one needs RPC just to logically separate GUI and
application layer. And between application logic and database, you use
the native database API for the RDBMS in question, of course.

The whole idea to centralise application logic (and even the GUI with
"web applications") is backwards, it dates from the 70s/early 80s when
desktop computers weren't able to run application logic. Today, to make
an application responsive (minimise latencies and maximise throughput),
it's just obvious to *de*-centralise as much as possible. In fact,
if Postgres-R was available for production, you could even distribute
the persistence and run an entirely "serverless" application.



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