> Your back end exposes services and business logic, and your front end
> can be in HTMLv5 and Javascript, or QtQuick, PyGTK, or Visual
> Studio.  If you do need a native interface, it's a heck of a lot
> easier to rewrite just the frontend then the entire stack.

Any decent database CRUD framework will allow to implement the
application model as "behaviour complete" domain objects, with a
persistence layer totally independent from the GUI layer. In many
Python RAD frameworks, this is done using SQLalchemy.

> Who cares how the RPC is done;

As an end-user I do care for how much an application makes we watch the
cursor animation.

> that's an implementation detail.  HTTP does happen to work well
> though.  Why do you say it is not suitable?

Because from personal experience I know too well that it does definitely
not "work well though". 

> suppose I now want the app natively on my phone (because that's all
> the rage).  It's an iPhone.  Oh.  Apple doesn't support Python.
> Okay, rewrite the works, including business logic, in Objective C.
> Now I want it on my android phone. 

Those are gadgets, not work tools.



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