On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Carlos Nepomuceno
<carlosnepomuc...@outlook.com> wrote:
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 14:31:57 +1000
>> Subject: Re: Python Magazine
>> From: ros...@gmail.com
>> To: python-list@python.org
> [...]
>> I expect that IP blocks will be upgraded to /64 block blocks, if that
>> starts being a problem. But it often won't, and specific IP address
>> blocks will still be the norm.
>> ChrisA
> Blocking a whole network (/65) is totally undesirable and may even become 
> illegal.

Blocking a /64 is exactly the same as blocking a /32 with NAT behind
it. And how could it be illegal? I provide service to those I choose
to provide to.

> Currently it may not only happen at the target of the DDoS attack, but be 
> spread all over the internet where block lists are enforced.
> I don't expect that to happen and if it happens I'm surely in favor of 
> protection against this type of 'solution' because it will block not only 
> malicious clients but potentially many other legitimate clients.

Banning a wide netblock is of course going to lock out legit clients.
But IP rotation means that can happen anyway. You block a single IPv4
address that right now represents an abusive user; that user
disconnects and reconnects, gets a new IP, and someone else gets the
other one. Can happen all too easily. That's why IP-banning is at best
a temporary solution anyway.


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