Schneider <> writes: > how can I serialize a python class to XML? Plus a way to get the class > back from the XML? > > My aim is to store instances of this class in a database.
In case you want to describe the XML data via an XML-schema (e.g. to exchange it with other applications; maybe via WebServices), you may have a look at "PyXB". The approach of "PyXB" may be a bit different from yours: It starts with an XML-schema description and from it generates Python classes corresponding to the types mentioned in the schema. Instances of those classes can then be easily serialized to XML and XML documents corresponding to types defined in the schema can easily be converted into corresponding class instances. It is not too difficult to customize the classes used for a given type - e.g. to give them special methods related to your application. You may want to start with your (arbitrary) Python classes and get their instances serialized into an adequate XML document. This will not work in all cases: some things are very difficult to serialize (maybe even not serializable at all - e.g. locks). If you plan to use anything already existing, then almost surely, this will impose restrictions of your classes. --