On 05/24/2013 03:53 PM, Thomas Murphy wrote:
Here's where I got to:
raw_address = "cookielover93 TheGermanHatesSaurkraut WhatsThatBoy932834"
address_library = [raw_address.split()]
print address_library
for address in address_library:
final_address = "@" + str(address)
print final_address
However my output is:
[['cookielover93', 'TheGermanHatesSaurkraut', 'WhatsThatBoy932834']]
@['cookielover93', 'TheGermanHatesSaurkraut', 'WhatsThatBoy932834']
I know I'm iterating wrong. May I ask how?
Thomas Murphy
Code Ninja
No, you're not iterating wrong, but you do have two errors:
1: split() returns a list. You are putting this list (as a single element) inside a list.
Drop the square brackets. Make it: address_library = raw_address.split()
2: In your for loop, you want the print _inside_ the loop not outside. IOW, indent the print
line. The way you have it written it will only print the _last_ string.
-=- Larry -=-