> I know this may sound a silly question because no one can see the > future. But ... > Do you think tkinter is going to be the standard python built-in gui > solution as long as python exists?
"Standard built-in" maybe, but by far most people who need a GUI for an actual application will keep using something else. > I couldn't help but wonder if wx or PySide receives better py2 and py3 > support, or anything else that prevent > them from getting into the standard python distributions, whether or > not this scene could start to shift ... Didn't Pyside have serious trouble recently, requiring a reanimation of the project? > I believe this "which one of tkinter, wx, qt, is the best gui toolkit > for python" flame war has been going on > for ages. If (Py)Qt wasn't so freaking fat, it might be the best. If wxPython had a more pythonic (and stable?) API, it might be the best. If PyGTK was more native on Windows and native at all on MacOS X, it might be the best. If PyGUI was more extensive, it might be the best. > This worries me very much about whether I should start a gui app > using python. What other open-source cross-platform programming language choices do yo have. Java? For GUIs? Excuse me while I vomit. C++? As a language for human beings? Oops, I have to throw up again. Sincerely, Wolfgang -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list