On 5/18/2013 6:12 AM, Avnesh Shakya wrote:
     i want to run python script which generating data into json fromat, I am 
using crontab, but it's not executing...
my python code--
try.py --

import json
import simplejson as json
import sys

def tryJson():
     saved = sys.stdout
     correctFile = file('data.json', 'a+')
     sys.stdout = correctFile

Don't need to change stdout.

     result = []
     i = 1
     for i in range(5):
         info = {
                 'a': i+1,
                 'b': i+2,
                 'c': i+3,

What is you want to add print result for debugging?

     if result:
         print json.dumps(result, indent=6)

Either use print >> correctFile, correctFile.write (do you really want the extra '\n' that print adds?), or, do the future import of print as function and pass correctFile as the file argument

         sys.stdout = saved


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