On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 4:14 AM, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It costs $10K for a car which goes at around 80 kmph
> Now if I want to move at 800 kmph I need to switch from car to plane
> and that will cost me in millions
> And if I want to move at 8000 kmph I need to be in a rocket in outer
> space. Cost perhaps in billions
> And maybe if I spend in trillions (leaving aside the question where I
> got the trillions) maybe my rocket can go at 80,000 kmph
> So what will it cost me to have a rocket that will go at 300,000 m/sec
> (186,000 miles per second may be more familiar)?

A $1 pocket flashlight.



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