| Hi folks,
| I am writing a script to print a few thousand pdf documents and I need
| to have some control over the number of jobs that are sent to the
| printer queue at time ... something along the lines of
| if number_jobs > MAX_JOBS:
|     time.sleep(10)
| else:
|     #Print More Files
| I have been investigating the win32print utility
| http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/ActivePython/2.4/pywin32
| /win32print.html
| ... but can not see how to get print queue information eg the 
| number of
| jobs pending .. atleast my attempts are failing

Assuming I understand the need, you can do something like
this with WMI:

import wmi

c = wmi.WMI ()
print len (c.Win32_PrintJob ())



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