Ignoramus16992 <ignoramus16992@NOSPAM.16992.invalid> writes:
> I would like to know, what explains the discrepancy. 

I see "New York" listed as a location for Perl but not for Python.  That
implies: 1) some general skew because of the very high cost of living in
NY (even compared to San Francisco or Silicon Valley); 2) further skew
because a good chuck of the NY programming jobs are in the financial
sector, which shovels money around with heavy farm equipment (but is
reportedly otherwise unpleasant to work in).  Wall Street has done very
well in the past few years, and some of that shows up as bonuses for the
involved parties.

I remember seeing a ridiculously high figure listed for Haskell, and
then realized the reason for it was similar to the above.  Most Haskell
programmers I know can't actually get Haskell jobs.

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