On 5/1/2013 10:52 AM, Jennifer Butler wrote:

I will start teaching Python to my pupils shortly. I have been looking
for materials and have gathered a collection of programs. The problem is
they are written in v2 and I have v3 installed in my classroom. I read
about the 2to3 conversion program, but I can’t get it to work.

You might find this page
and the education list itself. I am sure many programs useful in education have already been ported.

Many simple programs, of the sort used in beginner classes need minimal change. Oftem 'print x' to 'print(x)' is all that is needed. 2to3 will do that for you, once you learn how to use it, but I have not. For the programs people post on the list, with just 1 or 2 prints, I make the change manually in the Idle editor before running. I often want to change other things as well, so no big deal.


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