Hey guys, Does anyone know where I can pick up a style sheet (css) and/or other files/programs I might need to display python code on my website with tab preservation(or replace with spaces) and colored syntax? I want something similar to the python code on a page like this:
http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/303770 (I think this is a python-list question although maybe it belongs in a css group?) I figure some of you guys would have experience with this. ----- Giving this issue some more thought, I suppose I could make or find a css file anywhere that would work. The hard part would be getting all of the div and class tags added to my python code. So I think what I really need is a program that will do that, or advice on how to begin writing such a program. (It might make a good wordpress plugin too) Thanks, ' Greg -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list