I'd like to see some database API's to the most common databases
included.  It would make Python much more useful for web development. 
I've come across situations where a web host supports python and
supports MySQL yet it's taken me days to get the MySQLAPI installed
with running setup in my home directory etc.  And I don't know what
options you have if you don't have shell access?

It definately seems to me that some API's to popular database would be
conducive to a "batteries included" approach.


On 6/29/05, Thomas Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Brunning <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > writes:
> > On 6/28/05, John Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >> I'd definitely like to see ctypes. I can agree with the segfault
> >> issue, but I think that some design work would eliminate that.
> >
> > I'm not sure that it would. Ctypes allows you, as one colleague
> > memorably put it, to "poke the operating system with a stick". You are
> > always going to be able to use ctypes to provoke spectacular crashes
> > of the kind that you can never get with 'ordinary' Python.
> Right.
> > Having said that, I'd like to see ctypes in the standard library
> > anyway, with a suitably intimidating warning in the docs about the
> > trouble you can get yourself into with it.
> To me, this sounds that *at least* a PEP would be needed to convince
> Guido.  Or, to record the reasoning why it cannot be included.
> Thomas
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list 

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