On 04/06/2013 09:03 PM, Frank wrote:
Hi all, I would require advise on this question for function call interact:
the desire outcome:
Friends File: friends.csv
Command: f John Cleese
John Cleese: Ministry of Silly Walks, 5555421, 27 October
Command: f Michael Palin
Unknown friend Michael Palin
Command: f
Invalid Command: f
Command: a Michael Palin
Invalid Command: a Michael Palin
Command: a John Cleese, Cheese Shop, 5552233, 5 May
John Cleese is already a friend
Command: a Michael Palin, Cheese Shop, 5552233, 5 May
Command: f Michael Palin
Michael Palin: Cheese Shop, 5552233, 5 May
Command: e
Saving changes...
my code so far for interact:
#interact function
def interact(*arg):
open('friends.csv', 'rU')
d = load_friends('friends.csv')
print "Friends File: friends.csv"
s = raw_input("Please input something: ")
command = s.split(" ", 1)
if "f" in command:
print command
#display friend function
def display_friends(name, friends_list):
Fname = name[0]
for item in friends_list:
if item[0] == Fname:
print item
print False
Let say if i type in " f John Cleese " and after the line 6 , my value of "command"
should be ['f', 'John Cleese']. Is there ways to extract out John Cleese as a input so that i could use it on
my function call "display_friends" ?
Nothing about this message makes any sense to me. The function
display_friends() has no body. Code for load_friends() is missing. You
seem to be confusing variable names with literal strings. You open an
input file "friends.csv", but never use the file handle. You store the
return value of load_friends() in d, but never use it. The "desire
outcome" includes lots of stuff that this code won't be producing.
And I cannot understand the question you ask at the end. However, one
thing I see that's wrong is the user is apparently typing a leading and
trailinb blank on the line. If you want to strip out whitespace before
and after, just use strip().