On 2013-04-06, Neil Cerutti <ne...@norwich.edu> wrote:
> On 2013-04-06, Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> wrote:
>> (*) There was a fad about 10 or 15 years ago to print code
>> samples in books in proportional fonts.  Prentice-Hall seemed
>> to be particularly guilty of this.  Fortunately, common sense
>> prevailed and everybody has gone back to monotype.
> Bjarne Stroustrup likes it, and I agree with him that code is
> even easier to read that way, especially in hard-copy.

I'd have to disagree.  There are too many times when things are easier
to read/maintain by visually aligning columns:

 * struct/array initializers

 * constant definitions

 * parallel/identical operations on multiple different variables

 * vertical alignment of a parameter lists in multi-line function calls


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