On 01Apr2013 20:26, John Gordon <gor...@panix.com> wrote:
| In <0c9717ca-52dd-49ce-8102-e14328838...@googlegroups.com> cev...@gmail.com 
| > someip = ''
| > var1 = 'lynx -dump http://' + someip + 
'/cgi-bin/xxxx.log&.submit=+++Go%21+++  > junk' 
| '&' is a special character in shell commands.  You'll need to quote or
| escape it.

Or better still, use the subprocess module and avoid going via the
os.system() altogether:


If you must go via the os.system(), write yourself a generic function
to quote a string for the shell, and to quote a bunch of strings
(essentially " ".join( quoted-individual-strings )). And use it

Anything else is asking for shell injection attacks/errors, just
as bad as hand constructing SQL statements.

For example, if I must construct a shell command from arbitrary
strings (like your URL) I use quote() from this:


That code's nothing special, just what I rolled some years ago for
exactly this purpose.

The core lesson is: never waste time figuring out _whether_ you
need to treat shell strings specially. Just treat them specially
and consistently and be safe.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
cat: /Users/cameron/rc/mail/signature.: No such file or directory

The Design View editor of Visual InterDev 6.0 is currently incompatible
with Compatibility Mode, and may not function correctly.
- George Politis <geo...@research.canon.com.au>, 22apr1999,
  quoting http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/technical/ie5.asp

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