On Apr 2, 8:17 pm, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:

> Simmons (too many Steves!), I know you're new so don't have all the history 
> with jmf that many
> of us do, but consider that the original post was about numbers, had nothing 
> to do with
> characters or unicode *in any way*, and yet jmf still felt the need to bring 
> unicode up.

Just for reference, here is the starting para of Chris' original mail
that started this thread.

> The Python 3 merge of int and long has effectively penalized
> small-number arithmetic by removing an optimization. As we've seen
> from PEP 393 strings (jmf aside), there can be huge benefits from
> having a single type with multiple representations internally. Is
> there value in making the int type have a machine-word optimization in
> the same way?

ie it mentions numbers, strings, PEP 393 *AND jmf.*  So while it is
true that jmf has been butting in with trollish behavior into
completely unrelated threads with his unicode rants, that cannot be
said for this thread.

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