On Sun, 31 Mar 2013 14:32:21 -0700, gerrymcgovern wrote:

> On Sunday, March 31, 2013 5:27:06 PM UTC-4, Roy Smith wrote:
>> In article <4455829d-5b4a-44ee-b65f-5f72d429b...@googlegroups.com>,
>>  jojo  wrote:
>> > Thanks for your replies. Just to be clear this is for a interview and
>> > they
>> > would like me to figure out what the code does and come back with
>> > some test
>> > cases. I don't need to code the tests, just give some high level
>> > tests. As
>> > far as I can make out it is some system where you input your name and
>> > it will
>> > bring back your details plus how much time you have left on your
>> > card. Have
>> > to say I find the code extremely confusing, hopefully all python
>> > isn't like
>> > this!!
>> If this is for an interview, you really should be doing this on your
>> own.  I assume the point of the interview is to see how well you know
>> Python.  Please don't expect people here to take your interview for
>> you.
> Where did I ask people to take the interview for me? I asked for some
> tips on interpreting the code something which you have been unable to
> give me. If a senior dev (I am assuming you are a python dev) is unable
> to figure out what the code does, then I think me, been a newbie to new
> language (with horrible syntax) is entitled to ask for help.
I think Roy's point here is if you don't know python (as you admit) why 
are you applying for a job as a Python Developer.

the code provided appears to be pretty poor quality to me & probably 
buggy as well but without the specification I can't be sure.

I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours.

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