On 03/28/2013 12:54 PM, ru...@yahoo.com wrote:
On 03/28/2013 01:48 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Wed, 27 Mar 2013 22:42:18 -0700, rusi wrote:
For someone who delights in pointing out the logical errors
of others you are often remarkably sloppy in your own logic.

Of course language can be both helpful and excessively strong.
That is the case when language less strong would be
equally or more helpful.

It can also be the case when language less strong would be useless.

Further, "liar" is both so non-objective and so pejoratively
emotive that it is a word much more likely to be used by
someone interested in trolling than in a serious discussion,
so most sensible people here likely would not bite.

Non-objective? If today poster B says X, and tomorrow poster B says s/he was unaware of X until just now, is not "liar" a reasonable conclusion?

I hope that we all agree that we want a nice, friendly, productive
community where everyone is welcome.

I hope so too but it is likely that some people want a place
to develop and assert some sense of influence, engage in verbal
duels, instigate arguments, etc.  That can be true of regulars
here as well as drive-by posters.

But some people simply cannot or
will not behave in ways that are compatible with those community values.
There are some people whom we *do not want here*

In other words, everyone is NOT welcome.

Correct.  Do you not agree?

-- spoilers and messers,
vandals and spammers and cheats and liars and trolls and crackpots of all

Where those terms are defined by you and a handful of other
voracious posters.  "Troll" in particular is often used to
mean someone who disagrees with the borg mind here, or who
says anything negative about Python, or who due attitude or
lack of full English fluency do not express themselves in
a sufficiently submissive way.

I cannot speak for the borg mind, but for myself a troll is anyone who continually posts rants (such as RR & XL) or who continuously hijacks threads to talk about their pet peeve (such as jmf).

We only disagree as to the best way to make it clear to them that
they are not welcome so long as they continue their behaviour.

No, we disagree on who fits those definitions and even
how tolerant we are to those who do fit the definitions.
The policing that you and a handful of other self-appointed
net-cops try to do is far more obnoxious that the original
posts are.

I completely disagree, and I am grateful to those who bother to take the time to continually point out the errors from those posters and to warn newcomers that those posters should not be believed.

Believe or not, most of the rest of us here are smart enough to
form our own opinions of such posters without you and the other
c.l.p truthsquad members telling us what to think.

If one of my first few posts on c.l.p netted a response from a troll I would greatly appreciate a reply from one of the regulars saying that was a troll so I didn't waste time trying to use whatever they said, or be concerned that the language I was trying to use and learn was horribly flawed.

If the "truthsquad" posts are so offensive to you, why don't you kill-file them?


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